Brevard Physician Associates
Brevard Physician Associates mentioned that it was burglarized which possibly affected health data for 7,976 patients. The incident came to notice when the company saw tripped security alarm. An employee of the company found that three computers were missing.
Affected information included patient names, the names of patients’ insurance providers, the amount charged for the services provided, and the CPT codes of the services provided. However, patient addresses, dates of birth, telephone numbers, Social Security numbers, insurance ID numbers, and financial information were not included.
“We believe that the information contained on the stolen computers presents a minimal risk of future identity theft or financial fraud,” Brevard stated. “All three computers were password protected with strong passwords. Additionally, all of the data from all three computers will be automatically deleted upon their connection to the internet.”
Brevard also mentioned that it has “enhanced the security” at its office. Additional policies are in place to ensure it is “appropriately secured in the future.”
Martinsville Henry County
Martinsville Henry County (MHC) Coalition for Health and Wellness recently suffered data breach at Bassett Family Practice. The incident involved stolen laptop from the Bassett employee’s car.
Facility believe that the thief was after the laptop and not the information. As per the OCR data breach reporting tool, total 5,806 individuals may have been impacted.
Affected information includes patient names, dates of birth, account numbers, identity of providers, and/or details about patient visits with the practice. There is currently no indication that Social Security numbers or financial information was on the device.
“We are currently upgrading our IT security policies, procedures and related equipment to prevent future information from being stored on a laptop in an unencrypted manner,” Bassett said. “Please understand we value our relationship with you and take the security of your personal information very seriously. We have taken immediate steps and we will continue to evaluate our technology, policies and procedures in our efforts to prevent another occurrence such as this from happening in the future.”
AlertSec ACCESS is a patent pending technology. It is designed to enforce that devices are encrypted before access to a network is granted. Encrypted devices secure your data in case a device is lost or stolen. AlertSec ACCESS checks all computers and smartphones and detects all encryption types.