The 2017 Global Information Workforce Study (GISWS) conducted a survey which showed that cybersecurity workforce gap will rise to 1.8 million by 2022. Another study conducted by Frost & Sullivan for (ISC)2’s Center for Cyber Safety and Education also mentioned that there is scarcity of skilled CyberSecurity workforce.
Average information security worker in North America get $120,000 per year.
The survey shows that the main reason behind the shortage are –
Forty-nine percent – Difficult to find qualified personnel
Forty-two percent – Leadership fails to understand requirements
Thirty-one percent – Difficult to retain talent
Thirty-one percent – There is no clear security expert career path
Due to above, seventy percent of companies plan to increase the size of the security team. Operations & Security Management is the most sought after positions.
“It is clear, as evidenced by the growing number of professionals who feel that there are too few workers in their field, that traditional recruitment channels are not meeting the demand for cybersecurity workers around the world,” the report states. “Hiring managers must therefore begin to explore new recruitment channels and find unconventional strategies and techniques to fill the worker gap.”
Herjavec Group survey shows that there will be even greater workforce gap.
“Unfortunately, the pipeline of security talent isn’t where it needs to be top help curb the cybercrime epidemic,” Herjavec Group founder and CEO Robert Herjavec said. “Until we can rectify the quality of education and training that our new cyber experts receive, we will continue to be outpaced by the black hats.”
“There is a zero-percent unemployment rate in cyber security, and the opportunities in this field are endless,” Herjavec added. “Gone are the days of siloed IT and security teams. All IT professionals need to know security — full stop.”
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